SCL Brands takes the issue of your privacy seriously. To the extent we collect from you through this web site credit card information and/or shipping or billing
information, we provide your credit card number and billing and shipping information only to fulfillment vendors who process and ship the goods or
services you purchase through this web site. Those vendors are solely responsible for how they use that information and any other information they
independently acquire from you or about you. Otherwise, we do not share your credit card information with anyone else. For more information on how
SCL Brands and our affiliates use and protect the personal information you may provide through this web site, please click here to review our Privacy Policy.
To protect the security of your credit card information, we employ the industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. We also encrypt your
credit card number when we store your order and whenever we transfer that information to participating vendors.
Please keep in mind that whenever you provide personal information online – for example, via message boards or chat – that information can be
collected and used by people you don’t know. While SCL Brands strives to protect your personal information and privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of
any information you disclose online; you make such disclosures at your own risk. You may not use or attempt to use this web site to collect personal
information about other persons or in any other manner that is inconsistent with another person’s privacy or personal data protection rights.